Thursday 3 May 2012


On 11th September 2001 the world changed forever.  During the 10 years since that fateful day many conspiracy theories have emerged.  It is not unusual for conspiracy theories to follow world changing events although, more often than not, they have little basis in fact.  I doubt that the US military are holding aliens and flying saucers at Area 51 in the Nevada desert or that Atlantis is buried under miles of ice in Antarctica.  However, by sorting fact from fiction and using documentary evidence and science I believe that some of the conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11 are sadly very, very real......

The purpose of this blog is to separate fact from fiction and get to the bottom of what happened on 9/11 and, in doing so, highlight the frightening implications it holds for all of us...... 

There is a huge amount of information surrounding the events of that day.  There is hours of video evidence, witness statements, technical reports from FEMA, NIST and the 9/11 Commission and testimony given to congressional hearings.  In each of the future post I will attempt to cover all aspects in turn and separate the facts from the fiction and highlight the anomalies and contradictions in the 'official' story......